What do you really want in your relationship?

Are you absolutely certain what it is that YOU need and want in your intimate relationship to experience love in a way that is meaningful to you?

This may sound so obvious – but so many of us have never actually taken the time to think about what it is that we want to create in the context of our dating journey and relationship.  It is often much easier to say what you don't want isn't it?You are the expert on your own life.  Only you really know what it's like to lie awake at night with your thoughts and dreams and desires.  But sometimes we only superficially think we know what we want.   We get so busy and swept away by everything else that needs our time and attention that we barely ever take the time to really only think about ourselves.The more clarity you have in what you want and need and the more confident you are in expressing and articulating that the better the chances are that you will attract it into your life.When you are absolutely clear on that you will find it much easier to set boundaries in place that will protect you from spending your time and energy on somebody that is not the right match for you.  Why waste good opportunities on the wrong person?Most of us just know that we want to have a lifelong, fulfilling partnership – but what does that actually look like?  How would it work? What would make it successful? How will you know?

If you choose to be with somebody who doesn't align for the vision you have for your own life you may end up feeling empty and discouraged because ultimately you're not living the life you want. Choose wisely and consciously.

Be crystal clear about your vision for your life and your relationship. You don't ever need to compromise – and don't be worried about thinking that you're asking for 'too much'.

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