Feminine energy

5 Hidden Love Blocks That May Be Keeping You Single

Do you feel like you're doing everything that you can on your dating journey but things just aren't working out for you? Superficial dating advice seems so simple – if we just 'do this' thing, or 'say that', send this particular message, wear these particular clothes, or go to these places or maybe...

047 Not Tonight Mr. Right - with Kate Taylor

When is the right time to have sex? And is there a 'right' time? What would that mean for me, 'us' and our budding relationship? Questions we have all asked ourselves on our own dating and relationship journeys.My special guest interview is with Kate Taylor - one of the most sought after, well known...

6 Tips to practice your dating skills and build your confidence

Day 14: "I HAVE EFFECTIVE DATING SKILLS - I initiate contact with people I want to meet, and disengage from people who are not a match for me. I keep my physical and emotional boundaries, and balance my heart with my head with potential partners."Dating in itself isn't just a skill, it is a mindset...

10 Really Practical Ways to Love Yourself

My big mantra when it comes to dating and relationships is that it really all starts with you. Your relationship with yourself ultimately determines who and what you accept in your life. And we accept the love and care we think we deserve – whether that's consciously or unconsciously. For many years...